Dr. Gema López Rodríguez received the Bachelor’s degree in electronic engineering from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain. In 2011 received the M.Sc. degree in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology from the Universitat de Barcelona and the Ph.D. degree in 2016 from UPC focusing her dissertation on the development and fabrication of IBC solar cells based dielectric layers and laser processing.
She joined the Micro and Nanotechnologies Group (Electronic Engineering Department) at UPC in 2006, as a Research Assistant. Since 2006, she has been working on Solar Cell research based on crystalline silicon and germanium (double side contacted and interdigitated). She introduced the laser technology in the development of c-Si solar cell PERC type achieving, for first time in Spain, efficiencies higher than 20%. Afterwards, with the aim of developing low cost processes and maintain high efficiencies she developed, in collaboration with the MNT group, IBC solar cells applying laser technology on dielectric layer deposited at low temperatures for the cell contacts formation. She is currently developing IBC cells on thin crystalline silicon and germanium substrates applying laser technology and contacts based on transition metal oxides in order to demonstrate the viability of laser technology and low temperature manufacturing processes to obtain very thin c-Si and c-Ge solar cells. She has also great experience in sensor technology in space applications. Among others, she has collaborated in the fabrication of the wind sensor for NASA’s InSight 2018 mission and MARS2020 mission.