18 Mar Edgardo Saucedo has take part in the Global Energy Meet, took place in Los Angeles
The GEM-2024 conference, it’s focused on the field of Energy. The conference aims to bring together experts, researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers to discuss the latest innovations, trends, and solutions in the energy sector.
Edgardo Saucedo presents and discuss the most recent innovations of their results studies devolopes in their laboratories from the UPC, Barcelona. His presentation «High efficiency Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 solar cells via Ag and Li co-alloying» explains the work do it with all his team and the advances they have during the last months.
GEM-2024 conference is a significant event in the energy sector, bringing together experts and leaders to discuss the latest advancements, foster collaborations, and promote the growth of knowledge in the field. It’s a platform for sharing research, learning from others, networking with key figures, and gaining insights into the ever-evolving world of energy.