13 Jun Prof. Edgardo Saucedo participated in the 49 th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (IEEE PVSC 49) in Philadelphia. Poster by Ivan Caño was nominated for Best Poster award
From 05th June to 10th June 2022, the SENSATE Project team participated in the IEEE PVSC 49 conference. There, Prof. Edgardo Saucedo exchanged experiences with other professionals and
with the academic community in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
For 60 years, the IEEE PVSC has been the premier scientific and technical conference focused on all areas related to photovoltaics, from fundamental science to commercial applications and, increasingly, to deployment, policy, and resources.
During the presentation, a poster by Ivan Caño Prades was nominated for a Best Poster award in the topical area 2 (chalcogenide thin film solar cells). Titled “Novel 1D van der Waals SbSeI micro-columnar solar cells by a self-catalyzed high pressure process”, the poster showed for the first time
that SbSeI micro-columnar solar cells can be obtained by an innovative process based on the iodination of Sb 2 Se 3 layers at high pressures.