Ivan Caño Prades, member of the SENSATE team, has received the Premi Jordi Porta i Jué de la Societat Catalana de Física for his Final Master Thesis: Preparation and manipulation of free-standing oxides for photovoltaic applications.

On 23rd April 2021, Ivan Caño Prades, PhD-Student member of the SENSATE team, has received the Premi Jordi Porta i Jué de la Societat Catalana de Física (Jordi Porta i Jué from the Catalan Physics Society Award) for his Final Master Thesis: Preparation and manipulation of free-standing oxides for photovoltaic applications.

The Jordi Porta i Jué Student Award was established in 1962. It acknowledges research, bibliographic or essays related to physics topics. It is organized annually within the Cartell de premis i borses d’estudi de l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Call for Awards and Student Scholarships from the Catalan Studies Institute).

The Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Catalan Studies Institute) hosts a part of the scientific elite in the Catalan linguistic field, which shapes the role of an institution with a lot of influence in society.